Deleting an account is an irreversible action. We are sorry that you have decided to leave the game.
You can request the deletion of all information associated with your game account.

This will result in blocking and permanent deletion of your account. All game funds and achievements will also be permanently deleted, regardless of their origin.

There are three ways to delete an account:
  1. Send a request to delete your account to the email address:
  2. Request account deletion via live chat with technical support.
  3. Otherwise you can go to the game settings and select "Authorization" – "Account data" – "Manage" — "Delete account".
Don’t forget to enter your email, so we can inform you about account deletion.

User data deletion Standoff 2
If you change your mind, you have 90 days to recover your account after the deletion request was sent. To do so, simply log in into your deactivated account. Please keep in mind, if 90 days have passed, it’s impossible to recover an account.

What happens to my data when my account is deleted?
Click on the link below to find out about what kind of data we store, how we process and secure your personal data, what will be deleted along with your account, and other important information:

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